A Climber Fell Into the Crater of Mount Merapi in West Sumatra
Minggu, 28-02-2021 - 22:13:20 WIB

PADANG - A climber from Padang City, West Sumatra reportedly fell into the crater of Mount Merapi, Tanah Datar Regency, today, Sunday (28/2/2021).

This accident occurred allegedly due to fatigue and the low range of vision caused by the fog.

In the report received by the Search and Rescue (SAR) Post in Limapuluh Kota, West Sumatra, the climber's name is Ramzi from Padang City.

"Yes, there was a report just now that a climber fell into the crater of Mount Merapi. Our team immediately went to the location," said the Head of the Limapuluh Kota SAR Post, Robi Saputra, as reported by Covesia.com.

It turned out that the victim survived because he was caught in the rocks of the crater wall. However, it is inferred that the leg injury is quite severe.

"The victim was still seen from above the crater by his colleagues and survived. He was caught in the rocks. But his leg was injured," said Robi.

Until now, the SAR team and fellow victims are trying to rescue by using makeshift equipment.

"We will try to get to the top of Merapi as quickly as possible for evacuation. Toxic gases can endanger victims," said Robi. ** / ye

Berita Lainnya :
  • A Climber Fell Into the Crater of Mount Merapi in West Sumatra
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