Two Perpetrators of Forest and Land Fire Arrested by Bengkalis Police
Senin, 22-02-2021 - 23:50:01 WIB

BENGKALIS - There are still residents who clear land by burning and looking for honey bees in the forest as well as by burning, which causes forest and land fires (karhutla) in Bengkalis Regency, Riau.

According to the Bengkalis Police Chief AKBP Hendra Gunawan, Monday (22/2/2021), two perpetrators who were suspected of having committed the criminal act of Forest and Land Fires (Karhutla) in the Bengkalis Police Headquarters jurisdiction have been arrested.

"The two perpetrators have the initials S and M and are residents of Rupat District. They were secured from different locations, first at the border location of PT. Priatama and PT. Sumatera Riang Lestari (SRL), Rupat District. Then on Ahmad Nawi street, Suling Hamlet River, RT. 02 / RW.02, Suka Damai village," said the Police Chief.

According to the Police Chief, the two perpetrators were suspected of having committed the crime of burning land and forest. One of them burns while looking for honey bees using fire.

A number of evidences (BB) were also secured from the location including 2 burnt logs, 1 short machete, 1 plastic bag filled with honey, 1 blue lighter, 1 bag for storing honey.

The police chief appealed to the community not to try to burn forests and land and must always take an active role in protecting forests in Bengkalis Regency.

"I appeal to the public, if you see people burning land and forest, immediately report it to the local police. We are ready to serve the report directly," said the Police Chief. * "/ Ris

Berita Lainnya :
  • Two Perpetrators of Forest and Land Fire Arrested by Bengkalis Police
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